Digital Impact Entrepreneurship

Emprender con Impacto Digital is a sustainable entrepreneurship training program in being for doing that trains teachers, so that they facilitate access to tools and didactic content for young people.

This for the creation of projects for business ideas that solve community problems from educational institutions, thus generating professional and development opportunities.

Emprender con Impacto Digital tells the animated adventure of innovation of Isabela, a young entrepreneur and traveller who, with her stories, inspires young people to build their own path of entrepreneurship and innovation based on self-knowledge, self-worth and self-recognition as a member of a community that seeks solutions to the problems of their environment.

Isabela travels with the audience through five modules, and is always in the company of four friends from different regions of Colombia.



26 video capsules

Isabela tells her story emphasizing on different themes and orienting students to the pedagogical activities in the primer.

26 pedagogical activity booklets

Inductive activities that lead students to build their innovation path step by step.

*This content may be available in the following formats according to the context of the educational centers:


Virtual and interactive library that does not require Internet.


Interactive teacher who interacts with the content of the program.

USB storage device for teachers (in case you do not have the above).

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What We Seek

To develop a sustainable entrepreneurship mentality in teachers and students of the last grades of rural institutions to generate projects about sustainable business ideas for community problems and to enhance them through the articulation of professional practices and development opportunities.

Why do we do it?

Young people in rural areas have very few possibilities for a vocational and professional future. For example, in La Guajira, 54% of Indigenous youth between the ages of 15 and 24 are not trained and do not have a job.

The curricula in rural institutions do not include sustainable development as a way of creating solutions; therefore, teachers have little knowledge of sustainability and entrepreneurship.

The vast majority of rural institutions have little infrastructure in terms of internet access, electricity, computers, among other things.

Teachers in rural areas are not sufficiently trained for entrepreneurship courses due to lack of experience and pedagogical tools for young people.

Our protagonists

Entrepreneurship, technology and science teachers in grades 9 to 11 and young people between the ages of 13 and 18 who belong to rural and indigenous educational institutions.

Educational institutions and communities

What's included?
